Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Hopeless Life Philosophy


Man has convinced himself that it is less important to think than it is to learn. He has convinced himself that it is noble to empathize, and selfish to feel. He has even managed to convince himself that through the collective, he will live forever, and as such, he has convinced himself that he no longer exists. Alas, with each passing day the great lie spoils the souls of men, like fruit, not picked, fallen and left to rot in the sun.

The great lie comes disguised in many forms, but the objective is always the same; To instill fear into the hearts of men. It is a lie perpetuated by the weak to overcome the strong.

But who are the weak you ask? The weak are men who lack balance in living, for they know nothing but fear. They are men who grow fat from over-indulgence of life's pleasures and abhor the purpose of life's pain. These men squander their faculty in life for presumed utopia in death.

But, if life is a journey for Men, then let reason be his compass. Let him look within to find his soul. Let him look about to find his purpose. Let him feel displeasure, so that he may know happiness. But above all, let him understand that just as the light cannot exist without the dark, the soul requires the body. For Man is born out of the Universe, a product of energy and matter. And the soul cannot be fed but through the body, until expiration, when Man must be returned to his origins.

Instead, the weak among Men, feed their souls with too much of that which is pleasurable to the body. With time, this addiction brings Man to repudiate the soul to salvation in death for the worship of the flesh in life. To sustain this perversion, the individually weak congregate to divide and conquer those independently strong. They spread fear through the lie of Religion. They divide with the lie of cohesive Culture. And finally, they destroy with the lie of protection with force through Governments.

The lie is dressed in the fine robes of Religion to comfort Man from the fear of uncertainty and death. Religion teaches Man to conform to ideals impossible to achieve as they are alien to the very nature of Man. It is a foolish endeavor in preparation for events quite unknown. Those successful enough to emulate these half-truths, do so as a skilled actor dramatizes a script; He looses himself in his character. The rest are tormented by varying degrees of confusion in applying principles which cannot guide every Man from unique disposition to common destination. Yet the truth is encouraging and simple: Life is the event. Life is the known. It is the here and now that we should postulate, not the hereafter. And just as the bodies in the heavens are varied and diverse, so is each Man's perspective and experience with life. Any notion of a common discourse on life is an insidious devaluation of this divine gift by Philistine enumeration.

The lie dilutes the identity of men in the Culture of the collective. While purporting to celebrate commonalities, the true nature of Culture is that it shuns differences and stifles individuality. In theory, Globalism has brought Man greater Cultural awareness. In practice, it has brought greater Cultural competition and the parasitic infestation of the Cultural Sodom and Gomorrah presently dominating the World. This Cultural Revolution, the brainchild of the weakest among men, makes bulk purchases of our minds and our souls with so much trinkets and gold. Weak men foolishly offers up their purpose and their aspirations for material greed and a seat at the consumerist table. The Quarantine by disregard has failed! The outbreak of this disease is now so widespread, that there is nowhere left to run to, and nowhere left to hide. It is time that the strong stand monolithic and fight, for the truth requires no evangelism. It is the understanding that Man is born Free and Independent, and he should remain as such.

The lie is disguised in the laws and manifestos of cancerous Governments. At its core is the belief that life is most productive when systematically organized and managed as a collective standard in the ever present fears of life struggle. While the hunger and despair of a far away place or a distant time has fed the survival instincts of the strong, it has also fed the fears of the weak. The search for the soul has been postponed indefinitely for the search of food and material. And although the harvest has been bountiful, the weak cannot rid themselves of their fear (greed), and continue to collect.

(Incomplete) Just as sulfur indicates the presence of Lucifer, so does hope indicate Fear. It is only when man surrenders his hope that he will release himself from fear, and then truly understand that life is worth living.


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how you seem to mix some anti-religious comments while framing it with some religious metaphors ("Cultural Sodom and Gomorrah"; "sulfur indicates the presence of Lucifer")...
In my opinion you can't paint with such broad strokes. There are different religions and differences within religions; there are differences between organized religions and religious feelings.
Religion comes from the latin "religare" meaning "re-connect": man is born not *out* of the universe, but *in* the universe -- man never leaves it, before, during or after life, but awareness of this fades from man's consciousness and religion should help bring it back.
Govermnent may be a necessary organization for an ever shrinking global village world.
What entity can be large enough to deal with global scale problems? Man has formed into larger and larger societies, and larger problems arise from that with which man cannot deal with locally anymore. If there's no Government, who will deal with that.
The flipside of the coins are, that Religion and Government become aberrations, possibly driven askew by the same plagues that inflict man, driven by men in leadership position who do not perceive their connection to the universe they are a part of.

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I think this is related to your post:
On that Friday in January, those private questions would be answered in an unusually public way. No one knew it, but the fiddler standing against a bare wall outside the Metro in an indoor arcade at the top of the escalators was one of the finest classical musicians in the world, playing some of the most elegant music ever written on one of the most valuable violins ever made. His performance was arranged by The Washington Post as an experiment in context, perception and priorities -- as well as an unblinking assessment of public taste: In a banal setting at an inconvenient time, would beauty transcend?

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i found this book and thought of you.



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