The Definition
"Unbellyfeel" is derived from George Orwell's masterpiece, 1984, in which the application of the abbreviate English language "Newspeak", is an attempt by the controlling INGSOC party to limit the expressive capability of man. Per Wikipedia, the Newspeak word "bellyfeel" means a blind, enthusiastic acceptance of an idea. The word likely comes from the idea that any good Oceanian should be able to internalize Party doctrine to the extent that it becomes a gut instinct - a feeling in the belly.
There are many correlations between Orwell's portrait of the future and the times in which we find ourselves. But there have been none more insidiuos than the stupidity of the masses to wantonly accept the doctrines of this New World Order of global commercialism and consumerism sold to us. It is in recognition of this fortold danger that I aim to join the counterbalance of mass ignornace and implore us all to resist, to question, to unbellyfeel.